Saturday, February 11, 2017

My all natural soap STRESS LESS SATURDAY!

Once a month I want to focus on de stressing and taking care of our selves and because I like to schedule time to do this I wanted to dedicate these posts as "stress less Saturday" blogs.
I picked up the craft of soap making because I loved the idea of using an all natural beauty product. It's also a relaxing thing to do-actually making it is fun and relaxing! Plus I have to be precise and patient, so it's a good practice for me at these things. No rushing through this! I have to be mindful and in the moment. I can always use more ways to practice mindfulness in my life.

I decided I wanted to start making and selling soap, so I actually registered myself as a business this year. "Just Some Soap" is the name. Hopefully making the point that I'm not taking soap or myself very seriously. It is fun and I hope I can raise some money to buy more supplies and give to a good cause.

I learned how make soap from taking a Minneapolis Community Ed and some private classes from my friend who is an instructor. It is cold process lye soap made with olive and coconut oils.
If you would like my facebook page I would appreciate it! @itsjustsoapdude
Soap Molding

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