Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Holiday Blog 2016

 Holiday To-Do List

Do you want to feel like you've got a handle on this whole Holiday thing? I put together a list to make sure you get the most joy out of the season while managing some essentials.
We're busy and I get it! This list is easy and you'll be thanking me when its all over! 

1.Go to a Christmas Party! (and do something charitable too!)
 May I suggest Mama G's Ugly Sweater Party December 10th?

We are raising money and collecting food for the local Cross foodshelf with an ugly sweater party. The holidays are meant to be spent celebrating and giving, so why not combine the two? Frost Fine Finishing is sponsoring a prize for the sweater contest!

Here are some other opportunities to celebrate and serve this Holiday Season. Why not volunteer at the Holliazzle or find a phlanthrophy event to take in some hoiday cheers? Check out the event links below- 

2. Enjoy some Holiday Music
I have a new love for Christmas music now that I'm in choir. I planned a piano recital Christmas Eve with my niece's. We are each playing 2 songs for our family. Think of some way to incorporate music into your routine for the season. Maybe write a funny song together and perform it for your family, or play christmas music while you bake your annual treats (you can create a christmas playlist on Spotify for free). It will create an appreciation, which is actually the point of the season instead of cringing everytime you hear a christmas tune you'll find yourself enjoying! 

3. Clean your office!- tech purge
You're probably going to be getting some upgrades, so don't let all that data set in storage. Cloud your pics, contacts and can't go without info from tablets and phones. Update passwords and run updates. Trust me in a year when you can't find something because it's sitting on an old device somewhere you'll be glad you took the time to do this. A new tradition!
You'll also be really glad if you use some time in the "office" to get finacial records ready for tax season. After the tree goes down you'll be thinking about all that green or atleast Uncle Sam will be!
Like Kate Northrups moneylove philosphy I also think the more time and attention you spend on your finaces the more finacially fit your money relationship will be...and we tend to have a bad money relationship around the holidays (think spending too much!). Dust off that money binder and make sure you have your money on your mind in a good way! 

4. Make your present list. So obvious, but some people don't do this. Obviously I like lists (hint: your reading one) but here's HOW to make your list that I've found works really well. Group your list by events. If you are going to see certain people at a certain celebration make sure you know you need 5 gifts for that get together. It will make getting out the door easier the day of. Also I prep my bags and label with names so I know I have a gift for everyone on my list if each bag gets filled! 

5. Cold storage clean up
We wouldn't be a good home improvement blog if we didn't tell you to go outside right now and grab any liquids in your garage you dont want to freeze. Batteries (including those tool batteries) are a good thing to store inside too! You can always recycle the stuff you don't want, but bring what you do inside now. 

Don't let the Holiday pass you by without equal amounts of prep and pleasure! Any holiday tips that are must do's for you every year? Leave a comment and share! 

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